You should notify the old school in writing that you are withdrawing your child and indicate the exact date of last attendance. You can mail this or hand deliver it, but you should keep a copy and note the date and to whom it was mailed/delivered. The school may ask you to fill out a withdrawal form and you should ask for a copy of that form, as well.
This written notification to the school is from you as the parent, not from your newly- established school, so it should NOT be sent on school letterhead and you should not sign as "administrator."
Here is an example:
[Principal's Name] Principal
[old school's name] [old school's address]
RE: Withdrawal of [child's name] from [old school's name]
Dear [principal's name]:
This letter is to inform you that [child's name], birthdate [child's birthdate], student ID number [child's school ID number if known}, has been withdrawn from [old school's name] as of [last date of attendance] and is transferring to [new school's name].
[New school's name] will contact you directly for [child's name]'s cumulative file. Pursuant to California Education §49068, please provide [new school's name] with attendance records, transcripts for all grades attended, report cards and reports of classes currently in progress, disciplinary information and records, standardized testing participation and results, health records, and any other school records regarding [child's name].
Thank you for your assistance.
Sincerely, [your name]
[If you know the school registrar's name, you can cc that person, too.]
You may want to mail this by certified mail or, if hand delivered, note the date and the person to whom it was delivered on your own copy.
This written notification to the school is from you as the administrator of your newly- established school, so it should be sent on school letterhead and you should sign as "administrator."
[Create letterhead for your new school by using a large font and put your new school name, your address, and email address.]
[Principal's Name] Principal
[old school's name] [old school's address]
RE: Withdrawal of [child's name] from [old school's name]
Dear [principal's name]:
This letter is to inform you that [child's name], birthdate [child's birthdate], student ID number [child's school ID number if known], has been enrolled at [your new private school name] as of [date of enrollment in new school].
Please send this student's cumulative file to this school at the above noted address, pursuant to California Education section 49068. Please include attendance records, transcripts for all grades attended, report cards and progress reports, disciplinary information and records, standardized testing participation and results, Individual Education Plan (IEP) if any, health records, psychological evaluations, speech and/or language evaluations, any other special education evaluations, and any other school records regarding the above-named student.
Thank you for your assistance.
[your name as new school administrator- be sure to sign it] Administrator
[If you know the school registrar's name, you can cc that person, too.]
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