The Homeschooling MarketPlace offers a low-cost, effective way of reaching the homeschooling community with your product or service. Not only will your ad be included in our website Marketplace section (written ad only, according to Google statistics we average between 3.5K-4.4K visits a month (Feb-March 2025)), your ad with accompanying photo will be posted three times (upon ad acceptance and at two and four month intervals) on our Facebook page with over 12K followers and our Facebook Discussion Group with over 7.2K members. At only $29.99 per six-month ad placement time frame for one category ($39.99 for 2 website categories, $49.99 for 3 website categories), it is affordable for large and small businesses, organizations, and even individuals wanting to reach homeschoolers.
Placing a Marketplace listing is very simple. Please click on the form below and follow the instructions.
If you need further information please contact the HSC Marketplace Coordinator
Homeschool Association of California is a California nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 68-0137455
1185 Magnolia Ave. Suite E-322, Corona, CA 92879
Phone: (888) 472-4440
Our free phone line is staffed by HSC volunteers who are experienced homeschoolers. They will be happy to answer your questions related to homeschooling in California. The information we provide is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice.
All Rights Reserved | Homeschool Association of California.