Join us for a fun and educational adventure. Pitch your tent, discover new places, and create lasting memories with your family and other homeschooling families. Open to all HSC members, our camp-outs offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature and your community!
When you arrive at camp, the host will point out the kitchen and tenting areas. Tents are usually around the perimeter of the camping area and away from the kitchen/campfire area if possible. Additionally, we also like to leave an open area for running games if the campsite allows.
I like to go to bed early, where should I put my tent?
Put your tent as far away from the kitchen area as you are comfortable. Please do not expect it to be quiet by 10:00 pm in the kitchen area or around the fire pit. There will be noise in the kitchen area until the wee hours of the morning.
I like to stay up late, where should I put my tent?
Put your tent in an area away from the main tent/sleeping areas; nearer to the kitchen area. You may not disturb those who are sleeping. Remember when someone is right next to you laughing and talking loudly, it sounds like they’re in your tent.
I have an RV; can I bring it to an HSC camp-out?
We are usually at a group site, and many group sites do not allow RV’s. If you have an RV, please let the host know and she will tell you if we can accommodate it. Many people with RV’s get an individual site near the group site. Please note, many places do not allow RV’s longer than 29’.
I have a Trailer or Tent Trailer; can I camp at the group site?
Some group sites allow Tent Trailer and Trailers. Please ask the host if you can bring your tow vehicle. Please note that even if you can bring your tow vehicle, most likely you will not be able to park your car at the group site. You may need to park your car in an overflow parking area. You also may need to pay for parking.
We will usually use one central fire pit.
Why only one central fire pit?
Because it is easier to manage and safer for children. It also brings people together. On occasion, we will have two fire pits going depending on the camp-site.
Do I need to bring my own wood?
No, HSC provides wood for the campfire.
What happens at Morning Meetings?
We introduce ourselves, learn about our camp-site and discuss the week’s activities.
When is our Morning Meeting?
On the first morning at a time announced by the host. There may be meetings on subsequent days to introduce late arrivals or discuss other camp activities or concerns.
Who should attend?
All campers should attend, including those at individual sites.
At HSC camp-outs we arrange our kitchen areas so that we have a Community Kitchen. You will need to bring your own table. Group campsites have only a few tables and those tables are for playing cards and games, doing crafts, setting out the potluck dinner and for eating together.
What is a Community Kitchen?
Each family has its own kitchen and prepares their own food. However, we set up our kitchen areas next to each other in one area of the campsite.
Why do we have a Community Kitchen?
Like the kitchen in your home, camp kitchens tend to be a great place to gather. Whether you're preparing your potluck dish or making a late-night snack, it's often just so much more fun to have some company while your cooking - and the kids like it too!
The highlight for many is the nightly optional potluck. Potluck is one of the few times at camp when everyone is together. For those who are unable to eat potluck due to dietary concerns, we still welcome you to eat your dinner with the group.
How much should I prepare?
What is the total amount your family will eat? Make at least enough so that you would fill their stomachs if they ate only that one dish. There should be enough for your family with plenty left over to share. You may serve yourselves before you put your dish on the potluck table.
What kinds of food are at Potluck?
Anything goes. Some people are gourmet cooks. While others prepare simple, satisfying meals. Everyone always appreciates a huge batch of plain ole fresh vegetables, or mashed potatoes, or hot dogs. It doesn't have to be complicated. Don’t forget the kid-friendly meals of mac and cheese, pasta, rice, bread, etc. Most people enjoy fruit as well.
I am a vegetarian or a vegan, will there be food for me at the Potluck? Many of our campers are vegetarian or vegan and there is always lots of food for them.
How will I know if the food is vegetarian or vegan?
The host will provide clothespins to identify vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dishes. One clothespin is vegetarian, and two clothespins are vegan. Gluten-free clothespins are marked as such. Please be sure to use the clothespins to identify your food. The clothespins will be on the potluck table before meals.
Will there be enough food?
There is usually plenty of food. However, make sure that your children don’t take too much before everyone has been served.
My kids are little, can they go first?
The littlest kids are allowed to go to the front of the line. Parents may join them.
If at all possible, please leave your animal at home.
For the safety and enjoyment of all campers, the following rules must be followed at all campouts:
The campout coordinator will have the right to determine a course of action if there is a problem with an animal, i.e., growling, barking, aggression, etc.
If there is an incident with an animal at an HSC event, that animal will not be welcome at any future HSC events.
HSC Campouts are first and foremost FAMILY camps. We strongly encourage families to attend together. However, we do allow families to bring an extra friend or two along with them. Every child or teen must be staying with a registered responsible adult.
If you bring an extra child or teen, it is very important to understand your responsibilities.
You will be asked to sign a statement saying you are the “registered responsible adult” for each extra child/teen. You must be at least 25 years old. If you sign this statement, you are agreeing that any child or teen who is with you is entirely your responsibility. You should know the extra children/teens and their parents well. They should camp with you, and you should be supervising them the same way you supervise your own children. As the responsible adult, you are legally responsible for them and should be sure to have a medical release form from their parent.
We do NOT allow children or teens at campouts unless they are being supervised and cared for by a registered parent (at least 25 years old) who has invited them to camp with them and will take full responsibility for that child or teen’s safety, welfare, and behavior.
Parents are solely responsible for the welfare and safety of their children or any minor children accompanying them to HSC camp-outs. Each parent must supervise their children and any children accompanying them.
Parents must supervise their children so that there is a safe and respectful atmosphere at HSC camp-outs. Parents should discuss with your children the responsibilities of being in a group that consists of a variety of ages -- young children, teens, and adults.
During the HSC camp-outs, do my children have to be with me at all times?
Parents are solely responsible for the supervision of their children. Parents will need to decide what that looks like. Parents know their children and know how much or how little supervision their children need.
Can I leave my children with other parents if I need to run a short errand?
If you need to lave the campsite for any reason, please ask another parent to watch your child(ren). Let your child(ren) know that you are leaving the campsite and who is watching them. Do not leave your children unsupervised.
If I see a child doing something that I think is dangerous, what should I do?
Ask the child to stop. If the child says that “s/he is allowed to do it”, then ask the child to go to his/her parents and tell them what they are doing. Sometimes, you will see something that you think is dangerous; however, the parents know about it and are ok with it. If you are concerned, it is always good to let the parents know about questionable behavior.
Tigers, lions, and bears, oh my!
Occasionally we go to places where there are dangers such as raging rives, high rocks or other natural dangers. In those cases, you should discuss with your child(ren) what is ok for them to do. Can they climb those high rocks? Can they be anywhere near the raging river? Become familiar with the area and let your children know what is acceptable to you.
HSC offers GROUP campouts and hopes that all families will stay in the group campsite(s) together. When we camp together we have the opportunity to build community with our children, and as a large group we’re able to reserve unique and otherwise unaffordable sites and keep costs down.
But if a family finds they need to stay in a separate site, they can still be a part of our campout by registering with the Family Participation option. There is a $35 fee per family for each campout. This gives all members of the family full access to group activities, including the nightly group campfires and potlucks. To sign up your family, register for the campout as usual and choose “Family Participation” instead of “Camping”.
Remember, if you are in an individual site you must still make sure that your children are under the direct supervision of a responsible adult whenever they are in the group site.
We would love to have you! Please let the Host or the Camp Coordinator know and we will explain to you how to complete your required forms online before your visit. No fee required. Email
New and inexperienced campers are welcome on all HSC camp-outs!
HSC camp-outs are for everyone! We welcome new and inexperienced campers. No need to worry. Once you have camped with us, you will know everything you need to know about camping. We’ll help. Feel free to either post your questions to the HSC yahoo camping list or Facebook group or email us at
We suggest that new campers either borrow equipment or rent it. REI and other camping stores often offer reasonably priced rentals.
Some have electric outlets and others do not. Please ask the camp host if having electric outlets matters to you.
Most camp-sites have flush toilets. However, some do not. Joshua Tree, a favorite HSC camp-site, has vault toilets.
Many of our camp-sites have pay showers, so bring lots of quarters.
Most camp-sites have a small store which sells ice and other essential items. Some camp-sites are near cities with grocery stores. Others are remote. Ask the host about nearby amenities.
Children aged four and under are free.
There are both spontaneous and planned activities. Capture the flag, badminton, a knitting circle, a hike, are all examples of spontaneous activities.
We love it when campers want to organize activities! Let everyone know what you are planning so they can bring the necessary supplies. Tie-dying, foam weapon-making, friendship bracelets, or a side trip are examples of past activities.
Homeschool Association of California is a California nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 68-0137455
1185 Magnolia Ave. Suite E-322, Corona, CA 92879
Phone: (888) 472-4440
Our free phone line is staffed by HSC volunteers who are experienced homeschoolers. They will be happy to answer your questions related to homeschooling in California. The information we provide is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice.
All Rights Reserved | Homeschool Association of California.