The California Health and Safety Code says that no student may be admitted to any public or private school for the first time, or admitted or advanced to 7th grade, unless that student is fully immunized for his or her age.
Pupils enrolled in home-based private schools and students enrolled in independent study programs who are not receiving classroom-based instruction are not subject to the mandatory vaccinations.
This means that most homeschoolers should be exempt from the immunization requirements.
Although homeschoolers are, in general, exempt from all immunizations, we include this information as it may be useful in case your child is enrolled in a hybrid program (home and classroom) or in case a previously homeschooled child goes to school.
Under current California law, a doctor can issue a medical exemption for children whose medical circumstances are such that immunization is not considered safe under the standard of medical care.
Presently, CDPH does not review medical exemptions. This change in the law will allow these medical exemptions to be examined under certain circumstances listed below.
By January 1, 2021, the state will be collecting medical exemptions electronically. However, CDPH will not review every medical exemption. Under SB 276 and SB 714, medical exemptions will be reviewed when:
In addition, a medical exemption that does not meet the above criteria may be reviewed, on case by case basis, if CDPH determines it is necessary to protect public health.
Until January 1, 2021, parents will continue to submit medical exemptions to a school or daycare using a form or letter prepared by their medical provider. Beginning in January 2021 all medical exemptions will be submitted electronically directly into the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) utilizing a standard form.
All existing medical exemptions continue to be valid except as explained below.
SB 276 and SB 714 do not limit the types of medical conditions that would qualify for a medical exemption. Medical exemptions can be granted for reasons outside of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines including family medical history, if they are consistent with the standard of medical care for that condition. Doctors issuing a medical exemption will provide a description of the medical basis
for the exemption.
California no longer offers personal or religious exemptions to immunization requirements. However, some students may have their previous exemptions "grandfathered in." If a student received a personal beliefs exemption prior to January 1, 2016, that exemption is valid until the student enters the next grade span. An exemption obtained for day care, for example, is no longer valid when the student enters kindergarten (or first grade if the student did not attend kindergarten). An exemption obtained prior to 7th grade is no longer valid when the student enters 7th grade. An exemption obtained in 7th grade or thereafter is valid through 12th grade.
(Remember, personal beliefs exemptions are no longer available and these exemptions only apply if a student had a personal belief exemption prior to 1/1/2016).
We recommend you maintain documentation of any vaccinations received, even if your children are exempt from the requirements. It is unlikely that anyone will ever want or be able to look at them, but it is possible that your local health department could ask to see them. See the link below for reporting requirements for those families filing the PSA with 6 or more children, or, you may choose to create two schools for your family; one school for the younger students and one for the older students to avoid this reporting requirement.
One could read the H&S §121525 and §121545 to say that parents are required to have updated TB tests, because all employees and volunteers in private schools must have them. Since there is an argument that parents are neither "employees" nor "volunteers" in the strict meaning of the words, it is unknown whether a court would apply this requirement to parents. If you have taken the test, by all means include the results in your records, but if you have not, you should make your own decision as to whether you wish to do so. People whom you hire as employees or volunteers in your private school having regular and prolonged contact with children would need to have an updated TB certificate.
Most families are given a yellow booklet by their doctors showing the immunizations administered to their child and the dates of administration. These yellow booklets are important and should be kept with a family's important papers. If you don't have such a booklet or think it might not be up to date, contact your doctor.
The yellow immunization booklets are not given to schools to keep. Rather, schools are required by law to keep immunization records on a particular form, called the PM286; schools copy over the immunization records from the original yellow booklet to the form and return the original to the family. If your child is enrolled in a public or private school that is subject to the mandatory vaccinations, the school will use your records to fill out a California School Immunization Record.
Shots 4 Schools - California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch. This website contains information about immunizations required for school entry in California
Senate bill 277 - This bill was signed into law by the governor. It amends Health and Safety Code §§120325, §§120335, §§120370, and §§12375; adds §§120338; repeals §§120365.
California Department of Education's requirements for Immunization
California Health and Safety Codes §§120325 - §§120480 - describe the immunization requirements for public and private schools in California.
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